Book Club Read Week 4


Well we are up to Week 4, our final week of the first Book Club read-along, Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, thanks to Date a Book over on Goodreads. This week we had to read Parts 5 The Ice Does Not Forgive and Part 6 Proper Thieves and here are my thoughts on this part and my answers to the Goodreads questions Date a Book posted.

In Part 4 we were left on the cliffhanger of Kaz finding Pekka Rollins and what he would do while the others readjust their plans due to the alarm being raised. So much happens in these last two parts of the book. It's hard to sum it all up without giving it all away. I will say that all of their plans that they spent hours constructing fall apart quite quickly but the gang always have another plan up their sleeves and they pull it off relatively well. There were so many times where I was shocked by what a character did in that moment or was thrown off guard when I learnt the truth about a certain situation. I finished the book and immediately wanted to pick up Crooked Kingdom but alas I have to wait for my copy to come.

I would like to take this opportunity to Thank Date A Book for doing this read-along. I have loved every minute of it and I can't wait for the next one.

Goodreads Question
1. Were you suspicious of Wylan because he was the only main character without his own POV? Did you reassess that suspicion when his secret was revealed?
Ok I admit it I was a little suspicious of Wylan but as I said one other time I thought he was too easy a pick to be the villain and it seems I was right. I absolutely loved his secret and the scene in the book where it was revealed. I learnt so much about the type of person Wylan is and I can't wait to read more about him. I find him even more intriguing now and can't wait to see what he comes up with next despite his disabilities. I'm hoping he gets his own POV in Crooked Kingdoms so we can get in his head.

2. Do you think the characters have grown by the end of the book? Where do you think they still need to grow?
I think all of the characters have grown so much and learnt so much about themselves. I think Kaz still needs to learn to accept help where it's needed and to open his heart to the possibility of love with Inej and tell her what actually happened to make him the man he is today so she can understand and accept him for who he is. Inej needs realise that maybe Kaz has some secrets that are too hard to discuss and accept that he is slowly changing and that it will take time. Jesper needs to decide if he wants to learn more about his gift or not (I'm hoping yes) and get away from the gambling dens. Wylan has already grown so much and will only get stronger with the help of his friends. Nina and Matthias did so much growing through the Six of Crows.

3. If you haven't read Crooked Kingdom, where do you see the story going from here- predict what you want to happen next. If you have read Crooked Kingdom already- did you find any hints 
I haven't read Crooked Kimgdom yet but am hanging out to. I think that they will all do whatever they can to rescue Inej and get their money so they can all start new lives the way they want them too. I think Jesper will step up and be the hero somehow and their will be relationships all around.
